Here's a preview of the painting I'm working on and how it came about.
(Rejected by me as being too dark and surface not smooth enough)
I did this image as a silverpoint drawing, it was my first silverpoint. I really like how it came out except as I've stated in an earlier silverpoint post, I was tinting the ground too dark. Also this one was done on multimedia art board and I didn't like it as a support, it seems to be too bumpy for a miniature. I now know it can be gessoed and sanded smooth prior to using the silverpoint ground. (So much to learn and since I still have some of the Mulitmedia Artboard left, I may try that!) Anyway, I really liked this image in silverpoint and I am going to do it as a larger silverpoint work later. I already have some very nice illustration board prepared with silverpoint ground, ready to go. However, that will have to wait because I do have another miniature show to submit work to at Kaewyn Gallery's, Miniature Masterpieces and More* annual exhibit in December. (It's an invitation only for the submissions and I'm always happy to be invited to participate in this group show.) *More on that later.
Several months ago, I decided to paint this same image, as a miniature. I ran into trouble with the surface in blending the colors in the sky area. I'm not sure what the problem was, but nothing was turning out the way I wanted! So I put it aside and worked on something else. Now I am back to it and so far it's going really well. (As it should since I am very familar with every curve and shadow in this piece!) Notice the mess I made of the sky in the one on the right! That's after I sanded and reapplied paint, then sanded some more! Definitely time to put this one in the reject file! I do keep rejected work, however, because it's good to have as a reference. A reminder of what worked and what didn't.
In the above image, I laid in the shapes and darks of the forest. The rocks and tree forms have been outlined, with a few values added. The sky area has been covered with the first thin layer.In the above stage, I've laid more values on the front rocks. The forest has been defined further and another layer added to the sky. I find the areas where I get myself into trouble is when I have to blend a large smooth flat space, as in the sky. The paint starts to pick up and then it becomes uneven. The more I paint, though, the better I am able to get past these annoying mishaps! I become more mindful of using a lighter touch and not to over thin the paint. Oh, and to breathe!
In this one, you can see the full view of the surface under magnification. You can see the rocks are being defined further as well as the tree with the small white branch. Still a lot more work to do, but so far, it's coming along without problems! I'll be back soon with more updates. Thanks for looking at my work in progress, untitled for now.
Still looks good, even you are not happy with this one... however I know exactly what do you mean about "not good enough surface". I did my first true mini pastel painting on the surface, that just wasn't even enough... awful feeling. But I made my choice to fight with it till the end I like the finished version.
You are too hard on yourself Barbara - I love the one you rejected, the darkness gives it depth. I don't know anything about silverpoint - more fun researching!!!
Thanks Tatiana and Karen. I like keeping it around to know what not to do next time. But I will do this one over again probably in more and different ways. It was my first silverpoint I think.
Glad your's worked out in the end after all, Tatiana!
I like the painting on the left and am truly awed by your silverpoint work. I've read the links you gave me last time and it sounds so neat. Not something I think I would try until I could get my drawing skills improved, but still, such a cool thing!
Looking good--I really like the subject matter--the sliver point looked nice to me too but I know feeling of just not being what you wanted. Will be fun to see when it is done! Let me know when the Kawyen show is up I would love to see it So glad you are in it!
Oh thanks Autumn, I'm glad you like the silverpoint. I'm anxious to do another one. Sigh... So many things to do, so little time! It is interesting to work with.
Thanks Janie, I'll be sure to announce the show. There isn't a reception though, just the work on exhibit.
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