Crow and Clover © Barbara A. Freeman M.A.A.
Graphite and Colored Pencil 2 1/4" x 3 1/4"
Negotiation Acrylic on Claybord 3 5/8" x 3 5/8"
The Hunter Acrylic on True Gesso Panel 3 5/8" x 3 5/8"
Crow and Clover Graphite and Colored Pencil 2 1/4" x 3 1/4"
© Barbara A. Freeman M.A.A.
My three works, Crow and Clover, Negotiation and The Hunter will be in the Miniature Painters, Sculptors and Gravers Society's 80th Annual International Exhibition of Fine Art in Miniature. The show is held in The Mansion at the Strathmore, 10701 Rockville Pike, North Bethesda, MD. They are open, Weekdays 10-4 • Wed. 10-9 • Sat. 10-3 (closed Sun. and Holidays). The Exhibition Opening is Sunday, November 24th, 2013, 2 to 4. The show runs November 25th through January 4th 2013. If you are in the area, this is a beautiful venue and a show not to miss. These tiny treasures make a great holiday gift!
I will also have work in the annual invitational, Miniature Masterpieces and More! show coming up in December at Tsuga Gallery in Bothell, WA. (formally Kaewyn Gallery) Then upcoming in 2014 is the Miniature Art Society of Florida's (MASF) annual show that I will be participating in. More information will given about these shows when they are announced.
I know I have been scarce with news this year, but it's been a very unsettling year with family business and responsibilities for both my husband and myself! We also are involved in some personal life experiences that are taking up much of our attention. Needless to say, there hasn't been much time to be in my studio. I am really stressed that I'm not making any new work! Sadly, I may have to skip submitting to some of my favorite shows in 2014. Hopefully there is light at the end of the tunnel and we should be moving forward before the new year! I will be back with new work as soon as I can! I still have a lot of new ideas waiting to be put to board! Wish me luck and support your local artists! Thanks for taking the time to read about my work!