Thursday, August 26, 2010
Work Juried in Green - themed Exhibit Lynnwood Library Gallery
I received good news that my graphite and mixed media work, The Vernal Arrival of the Green Darner, has been accepted for the themed, juried art exhibit, It’s Not Easy Being Green, sponsored by the Lynnwood Arts Commission at the Lynnwood Library Gallery. Thirty eight artists were chosen to have their work on exhibit and mine was one of them! The show runs from September 27 – November 18 at the Lynnwood Library Gallery, 19200 44th Ave W Lynnwood WA 98036. There will be an Artists' Reception on Saturday, October 2 at 11am - 12pm. I'll post this again when the show gets closer. I did this show two years ago when the color theme was Mellow Yellow. That was the first one I entered. Last year, however, was different with a theme of Celebration/50 as it was their anniversary. This year it was back to the color theme with green in it's many different interpretations. I'm sure it will be a very interesting group of work and I am looking forward to seeing all the different viewpoints of being green.
Monday, August 23, 2010
Traveling the Slow Road - New Miniature Art Work
My latest work is another in my Italian Landscape Series of Miniature Art. This drive was not far from our apartment in the countryside of Montepulciano. We would often choose to travel this route, the slow road, to connect to the larger roads. There are many cypress lined roads in Tuscany, the most well known near La Foce. As you can see from the photo below, my painting is NOT that one. However, even though I took some liberties and changed a few things with my version, I'm sure it will be familiar to those of you who have traveled in this area. As usual, the time of the season is autumn, one of my favorite times of the year, when the fields are in transition, recently plowed or sprouting the green winter grasses, the hay stacked in storage. We always traveled in the autumn, less tourists, fresh olive oil and la raccolta delle uve da vino, the grape harvest for wine making. Seems everytime I do one of these works, my mind takes a bit of a vacation, memories come flooding back. Oh, to return someday!
Acrylic on Illustration Board, 3 3/4" x 2 3/4" Framed
Thursday, August 19, 2010
EAFA Exhibit at Columbia Winery

I went to the EAFA Member Exhibit last evening at the Columbia Crest Winery. My friend Janie Olsen , above, is standing in front of her two paintings, Too Beautiful For Her Mask and Crow to Crow. Cecelia Venolia, another artist friend also had two of her works in this exhibit, sorry I didn't get photos of Cecelia and her work. It was a very nice show and reception in such a lovely place. Eden Hopkins was at the reception, but like myself, not in the show. We both agreed that we needed to become members so we could participate in their member juried shows! I think Eden has already joined, so hopefully, we will all be in the next one together!

The other reason I have a photo of Janie is because she brought along with her the work that she commissioned from mosaic artist, Gina Ballew, (my daughter) to show me. Janie has a friend who is a retired teacher and every year she gives him a gift with an apple theme. She saw some of Gina's work and asked if she would do a mosaic for her for this years' gift. The work, Jazz Apple is the small 6" x 6" she is holding. Gina said that Jazz is the variety of apple that she used for the model. I think it's a perfect title for a perfect apple!
As to my new work, I am waiting to get some photo software on my computer so I can post my new miniature. Hopefully it will be soon. Thank you for taking the time to read about my work and hear about what I've been up to.
Thursday, August 12, 2010
Late Bloomer - Miniature Acrylic Painting

Wow, time sure flies! I really didn't fall off the edge, I've just been painting away trying to get my miniatures finished in time for the fast approaching deadlines. Then there were computer issues and life things getting in the way. So far I have two miniatures finished, and am working on my third. This first one is varnished and ready for matting and framing. I'm pleased with the way it turned out. I really had a time doing the strands of straw though! Also, orange was a challenging color to mix at first, finding the right combo of red and yellow that didn't look neon. I chose to stay with my favorite earth colors of transparent red iron oxide and yellow oxide. I started the piece by covering the surface of the illustration board with a layer of blue. I like it better than starting out with an all white surface. I'm still thinking about the title.
I'll try not to be so long before I post the next miniature painting, an Italian landscape. Thanks for taking the time to read about my work.
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